International Journal of
Multiphase Flows

August 30 - September 1, 2023
Vienna - Austria

Registration to IJMF50 entertainment and music events

We would like to offer to all the participants of the "50 years of International Journal of Multiphase Flow" conference (IJMF50) the opportunity to attend the following events:
  • A concert at the Musikverein

  • A visit to the art gallery of Secession Palace

To purchase group tickets for all participants, including also accompanying persons, we kindly ask you to register via the link at the bottom of this page.
The price of the ticket covers the entertainment and music occasions and is the same for both IJMF50 participants and accompanying persons.

Note: IJMF50 participants are kindly requested to register also the accompanying persons that will attend the concert.

Information : Registrations will be done online through www.easyconferences.org.
Participants may pay instantly using their credit card (VISA/MASTERCARD), or by bank transfer. A one-stop-shop software is used for the whole registration process, www.easyconferences.org.
The whole process is very easy to use, it is totally secure and can be completed in a few minutes.
Please note that the software provides participants with the possibility to complete the registration process in steps/periodically.